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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Guide to Handtaming Budgies/Badrika Part 2

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The first and foremost thing that you have to remember if you want to hand tame your budgie is that- just like you it has a brain,it has the power to think and is intelligent enough to understand your actions and intentions.

Next thing is you have to give quite a bit of time if you seriously want to hand tame your budgie. Initially about 10-15 minutes 3-4 times daily which can be adjusted later when your budgie becomes comfortable with you to suit your needs.

Here are the steps which can serve as guide to you for hand taming your budgie:-

1. Start taming with your budgie as early as possible while its still young. You can take the budgie from its mother while its about 2 weeks old and start hand feeding it but it is recommended only for experts. Those with no experience of taming budgies before should start taming only when it is 1 month to 45 days old but not more than 5 months old (it is difficult to tame older budgies).

2. Completely Separate the budgie which you want to hand tame from the rest of the birds. Separate means keep it in a separate cage far away from the other birds so that it cannot hear them. This is important because if you the budgie can hear sounds of other budgies it will not listen to you but will listen to only the other birds even if it is in a separate cage.

3. First talk very softly to your budgie and try to gain its trust. Give it a name and start calling it repeatedly and very softly.

4.Try to feed the budgie its favorite food,it may be seed,some leaves try different foods. First try to feed from outside the cage. Initially it will not show any interest but slowly after some days it will take food from your hands.This may take many days.

5. If the budgie bites you while you are feeding it(which is rare) do not move your hand away instead scold the budgie in a loud voice. It will learn that biting is a bad behavior and slowly stop it.Slowly as your budgie starts taking food from your hand and is no more afraid of follow the next step.

6. In a completely closed room with no big openings release the budgie for a few hours daily. Make sure there is no open places through which the budgie can escape, or any objects like running fans which can kill the budgie. When you release the budgie in your room it will fly around for some time and will eventually come back to its cage to eat or drink water. You can close the cage after releasing the budgie for a few hours.While the budgie is outside its cage try to make it sit on your hand by offering it food. Later you can play with it,teach it new tricks or even teach it to talk.

These are the methods I followed to hand tame my budgies.

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